We have learned so much! Everyday we begin with forming letters through playdo and doing Aleph Bet puzzles as a review. We learned the letters Lamed (for lollipop and ladybug)- we even made real lemonade because Lemonade starts with Lamed, Mem (for Monkey, Mask and Mouse) and Nun (for Nest, Noodles, Necklace, Nuts)- we made our very own NECKLACES out of NOODLES!We are moving along so nicely with our Aleph Bet trains!
We are also learning a new Mitzva every week– we have learned Ahavat Yisroel (love of a fellow Jew). Morah Chaya told us a story about two brothers who loved each other so much. They each lived on one side of a mountain (which Morah Chaya built out of Lego!) One brother– Yaakov was married and had many children and the other– Moishe live all alone. They both decided to secretly climb to the other side of the mountain and give their brother an extra bundle of wheat. Late at night– Yaakov climbed the mountain to give Moishe a bundle of wheat– and a little later that same night Moishe did the same.
The next morning they both were so confused as to why the bundle of wheat that they give away was right back in their field! This happened another two times– until on the third night at the exact same time they both started climbing their sides of the mountain holding their bundles of wheat– when– BOOM! They smashed right into each other at the tip of the mountain. Finally, they both understood what happened– and Hashem (G-d) looked down and said “See the love between the two brothers– that is where I would like to build the third Temple when Moshiach comes!” We made Ahavat Yisroel frames– that we put a class picture into– it is so beautiful!We also learned the Mitzva of Shabbat and we even acted out our very own Shabbat meal! It was so fun!
Wow what a great month here in Chabad Neshama Hebrew school!!! I love that we learn so many Jewish things, in such fun and creative waysWe continued our Jewish history curriculum, on the book of ”Berishit” – Genesis. Every week we hear the story, we get to act it out so the story comes alive and feels really real. We then get to do a worksheet and decorate our scrapbooks and sometimes we even do hands on crafts to take home. We learnt all about Abraham the first Jew and his wife Sara, how they had such and open home and welcomed e/o into their tent w/ four doors. We got to dress up as Abraham and Sara and sit in their tent. The marriage of Yitzchak (Abrahams son) and Rivkah was so interesting to hear about. We got to make cool bracelets to remind us of the gifts Rivka received from her new husband.
Did you know there were twins? Yaakov and Eisav were twins but they were completely opposite, Yaakov was a righteous person and Eisav was a wicked hunter!One of the highlights was the ‘Wrapping game’, we played as a review of all the people we learnt about, and the special things they did. The fun and learning just keeps rolling here in Hebrew School, and we look forward to it every week.
Rabbi Winner’s Class
In the Rabbi’s class we really covered a lot of ground both in our Aleph Champ - Hebrew Reading curriculum as well as in our “Jewish Hero’s” curriculum. Continuing the theme We learned how the Jewish people survived their travels in the dessert through the merit of 3 Jewish hero’s: Moses’s, Aron and Miriam. In the merit of Moses we received the Manna - Bread from heaven. Because of Miriam we had the well from the rock and because of Aharon the cloud's protected the nation.
To remind us of how the Manna looked we had marshmallow covered Ice cream. For the other miracles of the manna and the special mitzvah of Shabbat we baked challah and acted out the Friday Shabbat customs. We also got to demonstrate some of the commandments giving the children a REAL experience of the 10 commandments which Moshe received on Mt Sinai.