Sunday, March 4, 2012
What an inspirational Sunday we had this week at Hebrew School.
The oldest class celebrated a special Siddur Party. It was a presentation awarding the oldest class in Hebrew School with their own Siddur – Paryer Book. Throughout the past few years in Hebrew School these children have been perfecting their Hebrew reading skills, now they will be reading from the prayer book itself instead of workbooks. They will also learn the order and format of the prayers.
The Siddur is theirs to keep and at the end of this year they will take them home.
“It was so beautiful to hear the different individual reasons why each child prays, what they ask for, and what they thank Hashem – G-d for.” said Mora Leah Gopin the class teacher.
“With the siddur, we each have the power to express ourselves and request from G-d for all of our needs.” said Rabbi Avrohom Winner, Director of Chabad Lubavitch of Manhattan Beach. “Winner, shared an inspiring story of a young who didn’t know how to read, he only knew the Hebrew Alphabet, he beseeched before G-d to compile the recited letters into words”.
The class felt special as the entire school looked on as they were receiving their siddur.
“We want the younger children to strive and look forward to the time when they will get their own Siddur”. said Shula Winner, the Hebrew School Director.
The program concluded with delicious refreshments celebrating together.
Thank you parents that came out on that special morning and joined us. May we have many more celebrations together!
For more pictures>
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