Friday, July 9, 2010

Lighting Up Souls in Brighton Beach

Brooklyn, NY - The Har Halebanon Ballroom in Brooklyn was brimming with energy at the recent Testimonial Dinner of Project Neshama. Hundreds of Russian Jewish immigrants joined by American Jews where there to honor and support the many programs of Project Neshama, a project of Chabad Lubavitch of West Brighton and Manhattan Beach.

The dinner honored community and business leaders Dr. Joseph Kleynerman, Alex Lemberg and Jeffrey Varobey, all of them influential members of he community dedicated to the ideals of outreach practiced by Chabad Lubavitch. David Dubrow, the dedicated Chairman of the Board of Project Neshama, was Dinner Chairman and Pesach Liszovics was Journal Chair.

The high point of the evening was the moment of silent devotion that was held at nightfall of the 12th of Tamuz, the anniversary of the previous Lubavitch Rebbe’s triumph in the fight for religious freedom in Communist Russia. The entire ballroom stood at attention with their eyes closed, listening to the tune of the Rebbe’s Nigun played by the Krasner Duet, and praying together for a better world.

“Rabbi. We love you, we love Chabad, because you make us feel that we are Jewish. Communism tried to uproot the Jewishness from our heart, but you reignite that Jewish soul. And we love you for it” said Lenny Tilman, a leading businessman, to Rabbi Zushe Winner, founder of Project Neshama, about the amazing work of the Chabad Neshama Center.

Dmitry Salita, the Russian Jewish professional boxer, spoke about his connection with Chabad and inspired the audience while urging the participants to become more connected with their Jewish roots and use their influence for the betterment of the community.
The dinner was for the benefit of the Chabad Neshama Centers, in Brighton Beach and in Manahattan Beach, both of which are constantly buzzing with exciting programs and activities. Their highly professional Neshama Preschool, Teen Scene and After School provide an exciting and inviting environment, for Jewish youth to discover how Judaism is relevant in our times. Adult education classes, Hebrew reading classes, Hebrew School, Bar and Bat Mitzvah programs make the Chabad Neshama Centers a beacon of light serving the communities of Brighton and Manhattan Beach.

Rabbi Avrohom Winner, director of Project Neshama, spoke of the genuine interest of the community in joining the programs of Project Neshama, and the need to expand and broaden the Centers’ activities.

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