Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Hebrew School!

It's already been 4 exciting weeks of Hebrew School! The youngest children have a blast making fun coloring pages and crafts to better learn the Aleph Bet. In the other classes the curriculum ranges from learning how to use your whole body to do Mitzvot or the history of the Jews or learning how to infuse our whole life with G-dliness from the moment a child is born.
Not only is there exciting and educational classes but every child gets a chance to enhance their Hebrew reading at their own level with the Aleph Champ system. To practice at home children can go to our Website and review with the convenient level-based homework cards.
Our new incentive program is in full swing and the children will be able to start getting their prizes very soon!! Each child will get a personalized ID card and will be able to go on the Website to check out and "purchase" prizes with their points. We will also be bringing prizes to Hebrew School on November 24th for an in-school shop.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Bat Mitzvah Club -- Meeting #1

Our first Bat Mitzvah Club meeting was a smashing success where the girls got to meet each other and learn all about Sarah, one of our greatest ancestors to date. The pride of a Jewish women was discovered as we discussed Sarah's roles in life, not only as the mother of Yitzchok (who was to become one of our four forefathers) but also that she was the known to be  mother of the Jewish people! 

For the full years schedule Click Here

The 3 miracles that Gd did for Sarah came to life when we made our very own candle holders and challa, in a homemade tent! To keep the memoirs and think about it for the next class the girls each took home a notebook with a quote for them to come up with a connection to everything we had learned. 

Step Up -- Meeting #1

To kick off our theme of a "Thread of Kindness" we started off the year of Step Up by making Challa! We not only made a challa for ourselves but the girls were able to choose one person who they would like to do something nice for and labeled a second Challa to give to them. 
For the full year schedule Click Here