Sunday, December 16, 2012

Moment of Silence in School System!

Everyone’s question…
“How do we prevent another Shooting tragedy?”

Must introduce G-D in our DAILY LIVES!
Rebbe’s Call for a Moment of Silence in the Public School System.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Chabad Distributes Home Cooked Meals to the Needy


With the Chabad Center and Shul still in shambles, with its makeshift lighting system it became an epicenter for volunteers.

Last night Chabad Lubavitch of Manhattan Beach partnered with iVolunteer to distribute hot dinner to the less fortunate. Many people don’t realize the amount of seniors living alone in the buildings on Manhattan Beach.
Armed with flash lights the volunteers went from apartment to apartment knocking on doors bringing the elderly well needed dinner. 

“Thank you so much for bringing me this food, we couldn’t get out of the house its too cold.” said a resident of 150 West End Ave. Chabad was able to secure a list of elderly still in the neighborhood not wanting to leave their comfort zone. 

“We will do our best to guarantee these seniors have what they need till they get electricity and heat back on so they can get back to normal life.” said Rabbi Avrohom Winner, director of Chabad Lubavitch of Manhattan Beach. 

We want to acknowledge Mrs. Sheva Tauby and Rabbi Moshe Frank from iVolunteer for making these arrangements. 
Food was donated by Mrs. Rochel Leah Rubashkin from Crown Heights, and Mr. Zalman Weuntsch of Wolf and Lamb. 
We want to thank the Crown Heights volunteers and our community volunteers that were able to come late last night, thank you Sonya Merener and daughter, Glen and Sabina Singer and Daniella Zhitomorsky.

For info visit:,

Thursday, November 1, 2012

After "Sandy" Update 2

The feelings of the past couple of days and hours have been emotionally draining for all. Frustration, anger and sadness of all that has been lost, its unbelievable.
For some the basement / walk-in was a bedroom for others a family room. The loss is personal and close to one’s heart.
“its not just some furniture or even the structural damage… Rabbi its all my memories. My wedding album, my sons Bar Mitzvah pictures” cried out a Manhattan Beach resident to me today.
Shula and I, have been out every day these past couple of days visiting homes and families just to give emotional support. Many people put on teffilin giving G-d a prayer of thanks for being alive!
After seeing this devastation realizing that it could have been worse.
“At least we’re alive, our kids are fine… Its only money Rabbi, we can make it back… we did it before we can do it again” commented another resident of Manhattan Beach. “We came here with nothing and built all this, now we have some damage… we’ll rebuild”.
I want to conclude with GOOD NEWS.
We have had a team of people cleaning out the shul the past 2 days. We are missing Chumashim and some siddurim (prayer books) and talleisim due to the damage (just to mention a few).
We have ourselves and the Torah’s. Many have asked that they want to stop by the Synagogue to make a prayer - this is the opportunity.
Services will be held Saturday Morning 10:30 – 12:30 (giving us daylight, due to partial electrical outage).
Please come and bring a neighbor.
Please don’t excuse them and assume they are not interested because they’re not into religion.
Just today someone put on Teffilin with the introduction that he doesn’t believe in G-d. I said YOU DON’T HAVE TO BELIEVE TO PUT ON TEFFILIN, YOU JUST HAVE TO PUT THEM ON!!! And he did.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Simchat Torah on the STREET!


Simchat Torah at Chabad Manhattan Beach is something to remember. It is like it used to be in Moscow, Kiev or any of the major cities in FSU – ON THE STREETS.

Chabad Lubavitch of Manhattan Beach of all the synagogues in south Brooklyn its most famous for hosting the entire service, dancing, food and drink – ALL ON THE STREET!

For more info of the many other programs:

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hundred’s Join for Sukkot Dinner

Chabad Lubavitch of Manhattan Beach hosted their annual Sukkot Dinner. Hundreds of Young Russian American Jewish families participated in this dinner and celebration.

“The Sukkah represents unity among all Jews. The Kabbala elaborates that the Sukkah is the spiritual sphere of the ‘encompassing light’, which shows on equality of people. Jews, when eating in the sukkah bring oneness and togetherness to the Jewish people, we were thus able fit so many people in our Sukkah”, said Rabbi Avrohom Winner, of Chabad of Manhattan Beach.

The celebration continued late into the night, with much singing, discussion and celebrating.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Yom Kippur @ Chabad is Something Special

Yom Kippur at Chabad Lubavitch of Manhattan Beach is a memorable event. Hundreds of young Jewish Russian American Families joined for the Services

The services included an ongoing, incredibly inspiring Kabbalistic narrative given by Rabbi Avrohom Winner and a children’s program giving the adults the ability to pray and become uplifted by the yom kippur holiday.

“…Our organization and synagogue is constantly growing… this year however, I must say, it has jumped exponentially and we are very proud of what the Rabbi and Shula are doing. Gathering us Russian American Jews together”, said Galina a prominent member of the Manhattan Beach community.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Praying by the Ohel - Rebbe's Resting Place - For New Year

Praying at the Rebbe’s Graveside in honor of the New Year.

To go to the Rebbe’s Gravside for a prayer anytime of the year call the Rabbi 718-368-1395 or

Sunday, September 23, 2012

High Holiday Extravaganza @ Chabad Hebrew School

A New Year @ Chabad Neshama Hebrew School of Manhattan Beach has begun

The Children had a High Holiday Extravaganza!!

In the short amount of time they had an expo experience of the different holidays that we will celebrate in this Jewish month. Starting from Rosh Hashana to Yom Kippur, Sukkot to Simchas Torah.

They got to view a live chicken, dance on the Simchat Torah Dance machine and make cookies in a “pop-up” Sukkah.

What a day!!!